1000 S. MAIN ST., PO BOX 125, EDINBURGH, IN, 46124 - 1501, USA

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DITECH INC. is an entity registered at Indiana with company number 1992051134. Company is incorporated on28th May 1992. Current status of the company is Active. The company's agentis KIMBERLY L BIEKER, 1000 S MAIN ST., EDINBURGH, IN, 46124 - 0000, USA The company's presidentis Nathan J. Dillingham , 10493 South Auburn Hills, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA The company's vice presidentis Kimberly Bieker , 1151 S Walnut Street, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA The company's vice presidentis Timothy L Dillingham , 1151 S Walnut Street, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA The company's vice presidentis Christopher A Dillingham , 1151 S Walnut Street, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA The company's treasureris Wilma J. Dillingham , 10493 South Auburn Hills, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA

Company information

Company name DITECH INC.
Address 1000 S. MAIN ST., PO BOX 125, EDINBURGH, IN, 46124 - 1501, USA
Status Active
Company number 1992051134
Company type Domestic For-Profit Corporation
Domicile state Indiana
Incorporation Date 28th May 1992
Expiration Date Perpetual
Business Entity Report Due Date 2018-05-31T00:00:00+02:00


Address 1000 S MAIN ST., EDINBURGH, IN, 46124 - 0000, USA


Name Nathan J. Dillingham
Address 10493 South Auburn Hills, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA

Vice President

Name Kimberly Bieker
Address 1151 S Walnut Street, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA

Vice President

Name Timothy L Dillingham
Address 1151 S Walnut Street, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA

Vice President

Name Christopher A Dillingham
Address 1151 S Walnut Street, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA


Name Wilma J. Dillingham
Address 10493 South Auburn Hills, Edinburgh, IN, 46124, USA

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