2535 24TH RD, BALLANTINE, MT, 59006, USA

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BARDSLEY LP is an entity registered at Indiana with company number LP99060021. Company is incorporated on7th June 1999. Current status of the company is Active. The company's agentis D R FINANCIAL INC, 14110 PONY EXPRESS RUN, STE A, LEO, IN, 46765 - 0000, USA The company's general partneris Bruce E. Bardsley, 2535 24TH RD, BALLANTINE, MT, 59006 - 0000, USA The company's general partneris Ethel J. Bardsley, 2535 24TH RD, BALLANTINE, MT, 59006 - 0000, USA

Company information

Company name BARDSLEY LP
Address 2535 24TH RD, BALLANTINE, MT, 59006, USA
Status Active
Company number LP99060021
Company type Domestic Limited Partnership
Domicile state Indiana
Incorporation Date 7th June 1999
Expiration Date 12/31/2025


Address 14110 PONY EXPRESS RUN, STE A, LEO, IN, 46765 - 0000, USA

General Partner

Name Bruce E. Bardsley
Address 2535 24TH RD, BALLANTINE, MT, 59006 - 0000, USA

General Partner

Name Ethel J. Bardsley
Address 2535 24TH RD, BALLANTINE, MT, 59006 - 0000, USA

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