PO Box 1148, Columbus, IN, 47202 - 1148, USA
COPPER FIELD DEVELOPMENT LLC is an entity registered at Indiana with company number 201701051174174. Company is incorporated on5th January 2017. Current status of the company is Active. The company's agentis James L. Baute, 1905 PARK VALLEY DR, Columbus, IN, 47201, USA The company's president is Steve Booher , 5865 W. Carr Hill Rd., Columbus, IN, 47201, USA
Address | PO Box 1148, Columbus, IN, 47202 - 1148, USA |
Status | Active |
Company number | 201701051174174 |
Company type | Domestic Limited Liability Company |
Domicile state | Indiana |
Incorporation Date | 5th January 2017 |
Expiration Date | Perpetual |
Business Entity Report Due Date | 2019-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 |
Name | James L. Baute |
Address | 1905 PARK VALLEY DR, Columbus, IN, 47201, USA |
Name | Steve Booher |
Address | 5865 W. Carr Hill Rd., Columbus, IN, 47201, USA |