9445 Indianapolis Blvd. #2005, Hammond, IN, 46322, USA

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KILMONT ELITE,INC is an entity registered at Indiana with company number 201606021144008. Company is incorporated on2nd June 2016. Current status of the company is Active. The company's agentis Reginald Jones, 9445 Indianapolis Blvd. #2005, Highland, IN, 46322, USA The company's president is Jaden Reese , 2912 Ravenwood Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA The company's vice presidentis Alesha Reese , 2912 Ravenwood Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA The company's treasureris Betty Reese , 844 S. Court St, Montgomery, AL, 36104, USA The company's secretaryis Gloria Flint , 5912 Portsmouth Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA The company's cfois James Reese , 2912 Ravenwood Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA

Company information

Address 9445 Indianapolis Blvd. #2005, Hammond, IN, 46322, USA
Status Active
Company number 201606021144008
Company type Domestic For-Profit Corporation
Domicile state Indiana
Incorporation Date 2nd June 2016
Expiration Date Perpetual
Business Entity Report Due Date 2018-06-30T00:00:00+02:00


Name Reginald Jones
Address 9445 Indianapolis Blvd. #2005, Highland, IN, 46322, USA


Name Jaden Reese
Address 2912 Ravenwood Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA

Vice President

Name Alesha Reese
Address 2912 Ravenwood Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA


Name Betty Reese
Address 844 S. Court St, Montgomery, AL, 36104, USA


Name Gloria Flint
Address 5912 Portsmouth Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA


Name James Reese
Address 2912 Ravenwood Dr, Montgomery, AL, 36116, USA

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